By the power of Young, Talented and Innovative people, PT. Esa Mandiri Teknologi (Esatek) has evolved to become world class ICT business partner that provide the latest information technology solutions to Increase Revenue, Cutting Cost and Improve Productivity with local competitive investment in harmony.
Due to our rapid expansion in business, Esatek is currently seeking several “different people” to struggle side by side with all of us as a team. Dream, Plan, Execute and Achieve the Result together in harmony.
If you believe to meet our requirements below, and more important, willing to share your dream and passion together with us… Let us know, and we invite you to be one of us.
Where You meet, and what You want to be, is Your choice. Here who we need…
Administrasi Perpajakan
Kualifikasi :
Lulusan D3 Akuntansi/Pajak
Lulus Brevet A&B
Menguasai Administrasi Pajak PPh & PPn
Berpengalaman dalam menangani restitusi PPn
Terbiasa berhubungan dengan KPP
Kirimkan lamaran lengkap beserta CV dan photo terbaru melalui :